Hey, I’m Zola 👋
Just a pseudonymous cryptoanarchist trying to change what I can for the better—what more could there possibly be?
Recent blog posts:
I have a blog where I write about technical topics that interest me. Check out my latest blog posts, and you can explore more on my blog at /blog.
- 25 Mar 2025: Digital Autonomism: Personal Autonomy through Technology
- 22 Mar 2025: Don’t use Telegram, but if you have to, at least use Partisan Telegram
- 07 Mar 2025: How Monero Fulfilled Satoshi’s Promise
- 25 Aug 2024: A Very Technical Look at BitMessage: Learning From a Dead Project
- 09 May 2024: Creating a Muti-Algorithm simple Proof-Of-Work library in Rust
- 04 May 2024: Hacking a CTF: Sessions aren’t safe
- 01 May 2024: Hosting Multiple Censorship Circumvention Tools on a VPS
- 25 Apr 2024: How Governments Detect and Block your Internet traffic
Highlighted Projects:
Here are some of my projects; you can check the full list at /projects.
- A Ninja’s Handbook: A book on privacy, security, and anonymity online.
- SARE: A Quantum-Safe encryption tool.
- STOG: A static blog generator from markdown files.
- torbridge-cli: A CLI tool to get Tor Bridges from BridgeDB.
- Awesome ZeroNet: An Awesome & curated list of ZeroNet implementations, plugins, tools, and zites.
- proxy-scraper: The Proxy Scraper is a Rust command-line tool that allows users to scrape proxy information from URLs.
- fire-ninja-bot: A Telegram bot implemented as a Cloudflare Worker providing variety of proxies and censorship-bypassing tools scraped from the Internet.
If you have something to tell me you can email me at [email protected].
If you’re not a ProtonMail user and want to send me an encrypted email, you can encrypt your message with my PGP public key:
- Fingerprint:
F22E B734 505C 76E5 9AFC 95C4 B4A4 AEFD AFF4 8132
Also, you can follow me on social media:
I dedicate my free time to working on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and creating free content. Your donations enable me to invest more time in these projects.
Here are some ways you can donate, and a full list is available at /support:
- Monero (XMR) (QR):
- Bitcoin (BTC) (QR):
- Ethereum (ETH) (QR):
- Bitcoin Cash (BCH) (QR):
- TRON (TRX) (QR):